
Age range: 3-5
About Sparklers:
Each week we follow the HeartShaper book covering a wide range of bible stories and discovering the Bible in an exciting way. We teach the children about the different people in the Bible and how we can apply their examples of how they lived, what they did etc. to our daily lives. The resources highlight and explain the themes in an exciting and interactive way and then follow this up with various activities - craft, completing a work sheet together, playing games, praying together etc. As the children are so young we also allow a time of free play.
We are often blessed by the children when we are in Sparklers. A lot of wisdom comes from them ‘Out of the mouths of babes’ as they say and it is exciting to be present to see how they are growing in their faith and understanding of God in their everyday lives.
We are always on the look out for future helpers and Leaders. It requires a certain amount of commitment and some preparation if you are a leader, but this is far outweighed by the blessings and rewards that come from the children.
For more details: see Katherine Cameron