Life Groups

Personal spiritual growth is a community project.
Life Groups at Jubilee are small groups of people who ordinarily meet up regularly in their homes. They are a great way to get to know other people in the church as we follow Jesus and do life together; a place where we can laugh, eat, have fun, learn, grow, pray, share and serve with others.
The Life Groups are the place where we can find out how to apply the Sunday preach to our lives and where we can talk together in a smaller setting whilst knowing we are still part of something bigger. In this way Life Groups are an important place for discipleship.
We are aiming for authentic community at Jubilee and urge you to be a part of a group. As we live life together, true and meaningful friendships can flourish. Life groups are our primary means of pastoral care.
Being part of a small group is a key part of our DNA. Leadership is mainly recognised, developed and released from within Life Groups.
More information on our Life Groups is shown in Communications Corridor by the Main Hall or contact Joelle.

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